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Central America is the central geographic region of the Americas. It is variably defined either as being a region of the Americas in its own right or as the southern portion of North America. Physiographically, Central America is a tropical isthmus that connects North and South America. It includes 7 countries and many small offshore islands. Overall, the land is fertile and rugged, and dominated through its heart by a string of volcanic mountain ranges with a few active volcanos.

Montevideo was founded in 1726 by Bruno Mauricio de Zabala. The current population estimates for Montevideo are 1,349,000 in the city proper and 1,814,400 in the greater metropolitian region. It is situated in the south of the country, at the northern mouth of the very wide River Plate estuary. Montevideo is the capital, largest city, and chief port of Uruguay. The city's full original name is San Felipe Santiago de Montevideo.
Montevideo began as a minor settlement. In 1860, Montevideo had a population of 37,787. By 1884, the population had grown to 104,472, including many immigrants. By this time, trade had become the main source of revenue for the city and it became a rival to Buenos Aires. During the early 20th century, many Europeans, mostly from Spain and Italy, immigrated to the city, and by 1908, 30 percent of the population was foreign born.
During the mid-20th century, military dictatorship and economic stagnation caused a decline whose residual effects are still seen today. Many rural poor flooded the city, with a large concentration in Ciudad Vieja. Recently, economic recovery and stronger trade ties with Uruguay's neighbours have led to renewed agricultural development and hopes for greater future prosperity.
Montevideo is served by Carrasco International Airport. As of April 2006, Montevideo is ranked by Mercer Human Resource Consulting as the city in Latin America with the highest quality of life.

It can also be considered as the preeminent, historical and potential tourism destination that enjoys a very positive reputation with worldwide travelers to become one of the most visited places.

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