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Home > Travel Central America > Central America Destinations > Goiania
Central America is the central geographic region of the Americas. It is variably defined either as being a region of the Americas in its own right or as the southern portion of North America. Physiographically, Central America is a tropical isthmus that connects North and South America. It includes 7 countries and many small offshore islands. Overall, the land is fertile and rugged, and dominated through its heart by a string of volcanic mountain ranges with a few active volcanos.
Goiania is the capital of the state of Goias and is located in the central west region of Brazil. The city is modern, and has a population of 1,201,006 inhabitants. The total area of the municipality, as announced on 2002, was 739.5 square kilometers. The name, Goiania, came about in 1933 after a contest was put on by a local newspaper. Readers from all over the state contributed, with some of the most voted names being Petronia, Americana, Petrolandia, Goianopolis, Goiania, Bartolomeu Bueno, Campanha, Eldorado, Anhanguera, Liberdade, Goianesia and Patria Nova, among others. The first buildings in this planned city designed by Artilio Correia Lima were inspired by Art Deco.
Goianiais definitely one of the popular tourist attractions in Central America worth paying a visit while touring the country. This place leaves a pleasing and unforgettable memory and justifies the proud cultural tradition of Central America.
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